Adaptive MFA: Moving Beyond User Name & Password
Securing your data with a single factor – a password – is a bit like locking up an expensive racing bike with cheap chain and a padlock. It only stops unmotivated thieves. Ask any of the numerous companies that have grabbed the headlines this year. Single-factor authentication failed to protect the personal data of millions of people – and these companies paid dearly for the mistake.
Two-factor authentication can help. It keeps motivated hackers out. The problem? Traditional Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) solutions are complex to scale and create too much friction for users. Okta Adaptive MFA makes authentication simple and strong. It provides a robust policy framework, a modern set of factors, risk based authentication, and integrations with all the apps and VPNs you need.
This white paper offers an overview of Okta’s solutions. Read it now and take one step closer to true enterprise security.